Thursday, February 2, 2012

38 Weeks!

Wow I cannot believe I am already 38 weeks. At the same time, I can not believe I made it to 38 weeks. I am so ready for this little girl to make her appearance. At my doctors appointment this past week, I was 2cm dilated and 60% effaced. She didn't think I was going to go this week though. We will see! I am going for a pedicure today so hopefully that gets things moving!!

Nothing else is really new. Although the doctor said the baby is still pretty far up, I feel as though she has dropped since my breathing is so much better now a days. My appetite has gone way down, although I did eat a sleeve of oreos this morning. Oh well. My total weight gain is also only 20 lbs! Yay me. Trust me I was in no way trying to control myself unless 32 oreos in one day is completely normal for most people.

Kayleigh is very excited to "have a baby." Her friend from playgroup just had a baby brother and she is just in love with this little guy. He is pretty darn cute but she talks about him a lot and told me yesterday that she wanted a baby. I told her I would see what I could do. She was so excited! Hopefully she is just as excited when we bring the baby home. I think she will be a great big sister!

So here is a pic of me at 38 weeks. I look huge!! Don't worry, the doctor thinks this baby will be around seven pounds, which is what Kayleigh weighed. I guess we will just all have to wait and see!

Hopefully my next post will be a birth announcement!