Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Hoping everyone is recovering from the storm and staying warm and safe. Here are a few Halloween pics of my Merida and Snow White.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Birds of a feather....

Apparently, eat like birds.

When you have a kid, one of the things you try to do is avoid having your children go through the same hardships you did as a kid. As a child I was a horrible eater. Picky is an understatement. I only liked "number nine" spaghetti. Basically, I only liked vermicelli and angel hair or linguine would make me gag until I threw up. Most foods that I "didn't like" made me gag because of the taste, but mostly it was the texture or smell that got to me. I wasn't an unhealthy eater, I just had a very small list of foods to choose from.

Twenty nine years later I am dealing with myself but in a smaller form. A few months ago I noticed Kayleigh would start gagging if I tried to get her to eat something she claimed she didn't like. The first time it happened I knew it was what I went through as a child but since I didn't want her to go through what I went through I pushed through and pretended like this wasn't happening.

Then, she stopped liking pasta. All except for spaghetti. Which, she will only eat with marinara sauce...just like I used to do! This was like an episode of the twilight zone. Things that I hated as a kid she now hates! She only likes peanut butter and jelly on a sandwich, no other sandwiches but she loves cold cuts. She isn't a fan of cheese but she LOVES pizza. These are just a few examples.

So I turned to the only thing that could possibly provide an answer: The Internet. If you have extra time on your hands you may want to read this article about sensory food aversions in infants and toddlers. This article made me realize that I was never crazy. That the fact that I wouldn't try eggplant because it had the word egg in it was completely normal because the smell of eggs would literally make me sick to my stomach and I, for some reason, associated eggplant with getting sick. The fact that I made myself suffer many times because people would want me to "try a food." All it made me do was gag or feel sick to my stomach and then get anxious over the fact that they thought I was weird, rude or about to throw up on their carpet. Actually I felt anxiety anytime I ate in public or around people because I feared they would make me try something that would make me sick. It wasn't fun and I think people thought I did it on purpose. My roommates in college cooked pasta for me which was a different "number" spaghetti. It was ok because it was still spaghetti, it was usually any other kind of pasta that would make the gagging, tearing up and vomiting occur.

On page 47 of the document, the author says that "children with this aversion have more taste buds and sensory receptors for taste texture and smell which gives the child a more intense experience of some qualities of certain foods." I am glad that I know that Kayleigh probably isn't a "picky eater" but instead is suffering the same issues I did growing up. I am not happy that family members, friends along with everyone else will probably judge her for this. I grew up hearing from family members how they were happy I wasn't their kid because I was such a bad eater. Little did they know that I could try and make them happy by eating the meal they prepared but it would probably make me sick to my stomach. I also got made fun of at school, or on play dates. How could I like cheese on pizza but not regular cheese. Prove it. Gag. Get laughed at. The sad thing is I wanted to like these foods but I was scared of getting sick and this all lasted until I was about 18-20 years old. I think my taste buds probably eased up a bit earlier but I was too scared to try anything. I eat everything now, except some cheeses, fish and eggs. So that's what makes Kayleigh showing these same signs of reluctance so fascinating and I knew there had to be something more than me just being a "pain in the ass eater."

So I will continue to try and get her to eat more foods (actually her list of food has gone down since she was 12 months). I think I will use the advice of this author and use a rewards/point system. I will have to alter it since she is much younger than the seven to ten year olds this program was meant to help. I know that if I ate a food enough, I would get used to the texture and begin to love it. Mushrooms are a great example of this and I only started loving them a few years back. It took maybe twenty times of trying a mushroom before the gag reflex didn't show its face and I could enjoy the actual food.

I know, this isn't really that big of a deal. Like I said, she is actually quite a healthy eater, there just isn't a lot that she will actually eat. I should be happy that she loves things like chick peas, beans, vegetables, fruit, meat and not just chicken nuggets and french fries. I know there are children out there like that but she also doesn't get those kinds of food a lot.

So since I know what she feels when she sees a new food. The anxiety. Then the sudden rush of vomit when the texture is not what you expected. I know how it feels so I will be supportive. Maybe I will tell her mommy used to feel the same way but now mommy is ok and likes all food. She'll be ok. I guess that apple didn't fall far from that tree at all.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Don't say: "It's OK"

The pastor at the church I attend recently told a story about applesauce being thrown at him in a cafeteria while volunteering during lunch hour. The boy got sent to the principals office and before the apology was made the principal asked my pastor not to simply say "It's OK" after the apology. Instead, say, "Thank you for apologizing, please don't do it again."

From the moment I heard this I knew this could impact my life. Unfortunately, I had no idea I say "It's OK" four million times a day. No wonder I am a push over and get myself into sticky situations. OK, there may be more to that reasoning.

Anyways, I have challenged myself to no longer say "It's OK." Kayleigh is at a stage where she gets consequences and she has been apologizing for everything. It makes me feel like an OCD mom but I know I should embrace it while she is trying. What is the point though if I simply say "It's OK?"

No more!

Looking at that face...I have a tough road ahead of me. I just know instilling good moral values this young will benefit us all later in life. I want her to be respectful but also happy. I feel for youth in today's world who have no sense of compassion, respect, empathy, humility. These are just a few qualities I hope my children have.

So there is my little nugget of sharing today. I hope you can all realize what a great piece of advice this is! How changing one sentence you probably say multiple times a day could improve your sanity with your can hope and dream!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Embrace the Camera - 10/25/2012

This was a perfect embrace the camera day. I stayed up way too late last night, didn't have time to shower and was wearing yoga pants and a tee all day. That is a huge perk about being a stay at home mom, getting to dress down whenever you want, however often you want. I make it up by dressing my kids up every day because lets face it, it's all about them now and I am an accessory lol.

So I embraced the camera today on this 77 degree day. Not sure how I feel about Indian summer. I kind of like the fall weather. It was also a bit of a pain finding weather appropriate clothes.

So here we are. 

Nice, All you can see is my face...glad you can't smell through a I said I need to shower.

If I could stop time right now I would. Riley is just adorable with her curiosity and finding everything everyone does to be funny. Kayleigh is so inquisitive that it drives me batty most days but I try to remember one day it will be me driving her crazy with all the questions. I have her everyday all to myself and I know I take advantage of that fact and push aside moments we could spend together to sit down and take a break. One day, I will regret those breaks. Though far and few between, they stole precious time away from my quickly growing babies. Time is my numero uno enemy nowadays. Go away time, go steal from someone else! I am enjoying my babies right now.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

{Fall Family Outing}

Get ready for a TON of pictures.

Since my husband works crazy hours...and I mean CRAZY, it is awesome when we can all attend an outing together. This past outing is brought to you by LECPTA.

RoCkiN "R" rAnCh

Kayleigh absolutely loved this place! There was so much to do and see. First, we saw this pretty cheesy show that had bad guys and...Sponge Bob?

I guess they knew what they were doing. Event though Kayleigh doesn't watch Sponge Bob, you better believe she knows who he is. You also better believe she will wait in line to get her picture with him too.

There were hayrides, pumpkin patches, jump house caterpillar things, petting zoo, horsey rides, face painting. You name it, this place had it.

They also had rain, which is why there are no pictures of the horsey rides, petting zoo or face painting. I ran back to put my OH-so expensive camera in the car. Then the sun came out. Gotta love Murphy's Law. No worries, Riley pretended to be a duck that day:

Cutest. Face. Ever.

Where does she get this serious face from? Oh wait.
Thank you stranger, you took a magnificent picture!

Dan was very helpful on the outing...carrying all three pumpkins (one is on his back. lol). To think we had THREE pumpkin vouchers!


I know you here it all the time...but these two light up my life. Their Daddy is awesome too. Happy ten year anniversary my love. Here is to ten more. NO I AM NOT DRINKING. Yet.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Meal Plan Monday: 10/22

I am so excited to use my new crockpot this week. I scoured my food board on pinterest and got mostly new recipes. I have three ham bones in the freezer so expect to see some ham recipes over the next few weeks. So here we go:


Slow Cooker Ham  and White Bean Soup, Cornbread and Ranch Crackers


Rotisserie Chicken in the Crockpot, Home made stock from left over bones and skin.


Chicken Salad sandwiches


Crock Pot Chicken Noodle Soup with home made stock!


Left Overs


Crockpot Italian Chicken: Holy Moly It Was Good! Crockpot Italian Chicken: 4 Chicken Breasts, 1 Packet Zesty Italian Dressing Seasoning, 1 8 Oz. Cream Cheese (softened), 2 Cans Cream Of Chicken Soup; Cook On Low For 4 Hours. If Sauce Is Too Thick, Add A Little Milk. Serve Over Pasta. Wowzers!


Slow Cooker Ginger Chicken and Veggies served over rice

Friday, October 19, 2012

Riley: 7 months

Complete mommy fail for month seven my little koala bear. I totally did not get a sticker picture of you the day before you turned eight months. Instead mommy went out drinking with her mommy friends. Priorities.

Anyways. You are sooo NOT a baby anymore. You are so happy to just crawl around the living room eating all the discarded toys your sister doesn't want to play with at that moment. 

  • You can go from your belly to sitting
  • You are pulling yourself up to a standing position
  • You are getting your bottom front teeth - You have one now.
  • You love Mickey
  • You point at everything
  • You play so big
  • You sign but not correctly- You do "so big" for all done but you have more down.
  • YOU got your first tooth!! Nursing should be fun now.
  • You love books. We have another reader on our hands!
  • You are so lovey. I will miss the way you put your head on my shoulder right after you get up from a nap and pat my back. 
  • You give kisses now. LOVE the loviness.

I am so proud of myself for all the babyfood I have made for you. So far: sweet potatoes, pears, butternut squash, acorn squash, zucchini, peas, peaches, mangos.

I have to mix some things with oatmeal or applesauce because sometimes the flavors are overwhelming. Icannot believe you are eating three meals a day now! You usually have greek yogurt in the am, a fruit and veggie combo for lunch, then I usually mix oatmeal with the leftovers for dinner. You also eat anything and everything I have for dinner. You LOVE pasta and feed yourself baked ziti whenever we have it. Your very well coordinated with those little pinchers for such a young lady. You also love chicken, broccoli, rice, potatoes..and pretty much anything else I eat. You are a fantastic eater.

You are still nursing! Yay free milk.

So here are some pics of you from Month 7:

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

If you want to make God laugh...

.....make plans. Yep. If you read my meal plan yesterday then you know I made a list of meals that I don't have to use the crockpot for since mine bit the dust last week. Post blog, then theres a knock on the door and what do ya know:

I know, there are way bigger problems in the world than my crock pot drama but maybe I just have writers block, ok? Maybe I am hesitating posting the political rant I have drafted. Sounds interesting doesn't it. I guess you will just have to keep an eye out for that one.

So, dear-sweet-new crock pot, I promise to use you every day next week. So if you are looking for some awesome crock pot recipes check back Monday.

So long.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Meal Plan Monday

So here is a challenge. My crockpot died last week and I have yet to receive my new one. Although I got confirmation that it shipped. So since I have been horribly off budget lately with food, I need to make easy, yummy, semi-healthy, cheap meals without the crockpot. So here we go:


Sausage and Kale soup - Dans aunt made this while we were at the beach and it was AWESOME. Great way to get Kayleigh to eat Kale.


Sausage and Potatoes - My MIL actually makes this a lot and it is awesome.


We recently purchased forty pounds of fresh, boneless skinless chicken, that is supposed to be free range and antibiotic free for a really good price. So chicken is on the menu for a while.

Thanksgiving in a bowl - Recipe below


Chicken Spagetti


Chicken Parmesan Bake


Chicken Tagine with Olives


We are going to attempt to make our own pizza with whatever we have in the house. Wish us luck!

Thanksgiving in a bowl:

- 1 box stuffing
- 1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts cut into 1-inch pieces
- 1 can cream of chicken soup
- 1/3 cup sour cream
- 1 bag frozen mixed veggies

1. Preheat oven to 400. Prepare stuffing mix as directed on package and set aside.
2. Mix chicken, soup, sour cream and veggies in baking dish and top with the stuffing
3. Bake 30 minutes or until chicken is cooked through

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Embrace the Camera: 10/11/12

I just noticed how awesome the date is: 10/11/12!!

How cool is that? Maybe that is why today was such a good day. Yesterday was not. It was one of those trying days where you sit back and wonder if you should even stay at home because you are pretty sure your children will be in therapy for the happenings that occurred. Then there was today. The girls were well behaved, we took a family nap and read books together. The stars seemed to line up and I got a well needed break from the crankiness of teething and the mischief's of a toddler.

So here we are embracing the camera again. I cannot wait until my children are older and get to see all the fun stuff I did with them. Today I am sharing some pictures from a pumpkin patch that we recently visited with the lakewood early childhood PTA. It was SO much fun.

We spent about twenty minutes trying to find our way out of this huge corn maze. Kayleigh thought it was awesome but I felt bad that corn was smacking Riley in the face as we went through since I had her in the backpack. She didn't seem to care..I'm sure she ate some along the way. Then when we finally made it out Kayleigh was given some pretzels and some apple cider which was amazing!! I LOVE FALL!

Then we went on Kayleigh and Rileys first HAYRIDE!! It was being pulled by a big green tractor that Kayleigh thought was "SO COOL." The tractor took us to where we got to pick out a pumpkin right off the vine. Kayleigh just kept saying "This is so cool mommy."

So another day that I got to spend with my girls exploring life and all its wonders. I am one lucky momma with one lovely husband who helps to support our adventurous ways...

She kept telling her pumpkin how much she loved it

"This way mommy!"

Kayleigh, her pumpkin and my pumpkin

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How to get your baby to sleep through the night

Is something that every parent would like to perfect. After all that is definitely the number one thing that changes when having a baby. At least in my experience. SLEEP. I am not here to give you the secret, but a few tips that helped me. I figured I should also jot these down for the next baby as well. Both my kids slept through the night almost instantly. Riley was amazing and was sleeping 10+ hours in the first week.

1. NEVER wake a sleeping baby. I remember when I had my first, Kayleigh, she was a day old and the hospital took her to the nursery so I could get some rest. I woke up five hours later completely panicked! Where was my baby? I was nursing so I thought I had to nurse her every two hours. Five hours had gone by something MUST be wrong. I called the nurse who came in a few moments later with my baby. "She just woke up." The nurse said. When I inquired why she hadn't been brought to my room earlier the nurse smiled and said "never wake a sleeping baby." "You were both sleeping so soundly so I didn't want to bother either of you." I never woke Kayleigh to eat. A few times I would give her what is called a twilight feeding, where you nurse them when they are sleeping, but only because I was engorged and too lazy to pump.

*Please note that if your baby is premature or special needs in any way and your doctor instructs you to wake the baby please do. Both my babies were full term and gained weight from the beginning. If you baby is gaining weight and your doctor is telling you to wake them for a feed that doctor is a sadist.

2. Nurse on demand and often during the day. The more they get during the day, the less they will want at night

3. When they do wake to nurse at night DO NOT do the following...this is very important: NO talking to the baby, NO lights on, NO diaper changes unless it is poop.

4. If it is poop and you have to change the baby and there is an explosion, NO baths. That will surely stimulate the baby and good bye sleepy time.

5. I gave both my kids baths every night to signal bedtime. Then we take fifteen to twenty minutes for storytime and then into bed. Routine is key but this doesn't usually start until they are a few months old.

So there are some tips that I have used. Both my kids were great sleepers until about six months old when they start teething and everything goes to hell. When I figure out what works during that fun time, so far nothing, I will let you all know! Hope this helps someone out there!!

Until next time....