Saturday, March 24, 2012

Riley: 1 month

So technically, Riley is now five weeks old but I figured I would post monthly to try and remember what this kiddo is up to. So what are you up to Miss Riley??

- You have been able to hold your head up since being in the hospital.
- You actually don't despise tummy time like your sister did but I don't do it nearly as much as they suggest. You can hold your head up though so I am not worried.
- You have started to coo
- You smile a lot in your sleep but have yet to smile at us awake
- You ADORE your big sister. Whenever you hear her you try and find her and focus on her
- You sleep an average of seven hours strait so far.
- You love to sleep in mommy and daddys bed! You do sleep in your bassinet in the beginning of the night though.
- You are starting to like your mat more and more. Your favorite toy is the chicken. You enjoy Kayleigh taking all the toys and going "nom nom nom" and pretending that the toys are eating you.
- You love to nurse. Seriously...if you are not asleep you are nursing.
- Last time you were weighed you weighed 10lbs 4oz. You have gained 2 pounds in five weeks. Can we say chunky monkey (that's what Kayleigh and Daddy call you).
- You actually enjoy your bath. I wish I had more time to give you them! lol.

Life with two has been great so far (besides the mastitis but lets not get into that). Kayleigh isn't a huge fan of Riley constantly nursing. Riley was nursing pretty much 24/7 after the mastitis depleted my milk supply but things are slowly getting better. I cannot wait for my girls to start interacting with each other. Of course, the lack of interaction is not due to Kayleighs lack of trying. I am constantly finding princesses, crayons and even roger with Riley when she is in her swing or on her mat. Kayleigh cannot wait for Riley to play with her! So here are a few pics of my darlings. Enjoy!



Big sister Kayleigh loves playing with Riley on her mat.

First Bath!

Gee...I wonder who put that baby doll on your back

My sleeping babies.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Welcome baby Riley!

So I have been MIA again, but I have a very good reason! On February 16, we welcomed our second little girl to the MacLeod clan, Riley. She was a whopping 8 lbs. 4 ounces and was 20 inches long. She is a dream when it comes to babies. She sleeps 6-8 hours at a time at night and has been doing well with nursing. Although I would appreciate the biting to go away but I just keep telling myself in time.

So before little Riley came, I was very anxious about adding another to our brood. I mean, I want a ton of kids but it did occur to me that Kayleigh and I had a pretty good thing going and would bringing a baby into the equation ruin anything or....everything?? Well, let me just say I was wrong to worry.

First of all, my husband has been home for two weeks and spending a lot of time with Kayleigh. She has loved this and I think it helped our relationship because we got a break from each other. My husband has been great keeping her busy, taking her swimming, little gym, the library and the playground, among other things. I KNOW I am the luckiest wife out there because he is just amazing with our kids. He is also a pretty awesome husband and an amazing cook!!

Also, something happened when Riley came into our family. I was worried I would not have enough "love" for both my kids. Well Dan and I have become lovey, sappy dorks and the amount of love that I have for both of my kids is quite sickening, in a good way. Kayleigh also LOVES her little sister. Although she is very confused as to why she won't play princesses or eat any of her snacks that she tries to share. She also gives the baby one of her Rogers every night now before bed. How cute is that? I think they will be great friends one day!

So I may go dark for a little bit since I am just soaking up this time with my little ones! Kayleigh is a little clingy, which started before the baby came and she also wants me to do everything that she is doing. Independent play is a thing of the past. Luckily I get a break at playgroups and a few support groups that I attend sans Kayleigh which gives me some special time with Riley. I'll try and keep everyone updated on our little family!!