Friday, August 12, 2011

Embrace the Camera - 8/10/2011

OK, so I know that I was technically supposed to "embrace the camera" yesterday but I really thought it was Thursday two days ago. I can't blame my pregnancy on this one but I can blame my husband! His crazy shifts have us wondering constantly what day it is. I am not complaining, just explaining how I could so easily get my days mixed up.

Anyways, onto embrace the camera! I have come to the realization that I am in desperate need of a tripod, especially for photo shoots of just me and the babe. I could wait for Dan to get home but usually it's a spur of the moment, everyone is in a good mood and not covered with food kind of thing. So here is this weeks embrace the camera:

We need to get this girl to smile on cue...

I also took a few pics of Kayleigh that I think came out sooo cute! Here they are:

 So I hope you enjoyed this little look into our life. Join us in a few weeks when we are back from vacation and I do a recap of Kayleighs adventures at Sunset Bay U.S.A.! 


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Diaper Savings Extravaganza!

So most of you probably saw my post of facebook about the amazing deal I got at CVS the other day. Well it just got better! Here, let me break it down for you:


  • Purchased 12 jumbos bags of pampers swaddlers senitive (size 1) for 2.74 a pack. They were only marked 50% off on the shelves and were priced at 5.99 a package but I found out about the additional savings once I went to the counter.
  • The total came out to 35.56. Plus I got 1 Extra Care buck so lets make that 34.56.
  • That means I got 396 diapers for 34.96 or $.08 a diaper! That's an awesome deal!
  • Total savings for that day = 99.00

  • Browsing on and someone posted that they received a free pack of pampers for buying 6 of the packs on clearance. Apparently at CVS, if you buy 6 packs of pampers, you get one free.
  • I just bought 12 packs days ago which = 2 free packs!
  • So I go to CVS and scan my card and low and behold I get a coupon for 2 free packs of diapers!
  • I pick up 2 packs of Pampers Swaddlers (Size 2) which has 36 diapers in each pack (On sale for 8.99 but are normally 11.79 a pack).
  • I had to pay tax on the diapers which means my total came out to 1.60. However, I then received One extra care buck bringing my total for the two packs of diapers to: $.60!
  • Total savings for Saturday: 23.58!
Feel like you are doing a school math problem yet? lol. I sure feel like that. Alright so lets see what is the final price for this?

Overall Deal

  • I got 468 diapers for 35.16. That comes out to $.07 per diaper! 
This may not be the end of my journey ladies and gentlemen. I read on a blog that Walgreens also has ALL pampers on sale. Swaddlers, Cruisers and Easy Ups. They are marked down to about 3.19 a pack I believe BUT you must go to the register before buying and ask if they have anymore baby care booklets left. In that booklet there is a mfr coupon for $2 off any package of pampers. That will bring your total for one pack of diapers to 1.19! You can also use other mfr coupons for any other packages you have. Good luck out there! Keep your eyes peeled since Pampers is apparently re-designing their diaper hence the reason all these diapers are going on clearance.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We're having a baby!!! again...

If you missed Kayleigh's announcement last night, well we are expecting another little MacLeod in February! We are very excited and can't wait to meet our new little buddy.

So how has my pregnancy been so far?

definitely been more tired this time around. Is it the new little one or the energetic 17 month old I chase after all day long.

In 5 weeks I've lost 8 pounds! I know you are supposed to gain weight while prego but I always lose the first few months...probably due to lack of beer consumption.

I am in LOVE with Edy's fruit bars. Have you ever had them? I have at least 2 a night and they are heaven in this heat!

Thats probably all there is to tell. I will try and keep you all updated though!!