Thursday, September 27, 2012

Embrace the Camera: 9/27/2012

In case you didn't know why I "embrace the camera" every so often...well it wasn't my idea. Meet Emily who, to my knowledge started this little tradition. I found it through my friend Marie and I am so thankful for this idea.

So here we go! Here are some pictures from this week of me and my girls together. I LOVED Emilys blog post this week. I could totally relate. I wanted all boys as well but most days while I am dressing up my girls, playing princesses, helping Kayleigh with her dress up gear, spending fifteen minutes every morning looking through hundreds of bows (no joke) looking for the perfect match, I wonder what I would do with a bunch of boys. I know what I would do with them, but that is not for this blog post. I guess I will just have to have a boy next and blog about it :)

My little pumpkin head

OK, these next few I am not in but I could not resist adding them. Dan filled the tub with bubbles and Riles was eating them!! What a silly girl.

I have really appreciated "Embrace the Camera" lately. Two mobile kids is definitely harder than one. I have been running non-stop pretty much everyday. Add the fact that we are looking to buy a house and my day is pretty full. However, I am so happy that 98% of my day is spent with these two nuckleheads. The other 2% is usually me cleaning...yeah I don't devote much time to that. I wish I was more organized, but I don't want my kids to remember me always cleaning. I want them to remember having fun. So that's what I am trying to do. We'll see how that plays out. Look for me on the next episode of Hoarders!!! KIDDING! lol.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Embrace the Camera: 9/20/2012 (Date with the bug)

Having one child is easy. They get all your attention, all the time. They don't have to hear you praise another child for a milestone that they surpassed months or even years ago. So I have come to the realization that my oldest and myself need more "mommy and me" time.

Riley is good with mommy and me time. Between nursing and the time we get when Kayleigh is engaged in playing, she gets plenty of mommy and me time. Kayleigh is different. She is still transitioning and starting to have some jealousy streaks with Riley. After all, Riley is now crawling, clapping, pointing, reacting and eating real food. This means that not only do we praise Riley for all of those wonderful firsts, but look...Kayleigh is crawling too! Regression anyone?

So I am a member of the Lakewood Childhood PTA and they have this great outing that I take advantage of every time it pops up on the calendar. They go to this little kiddie park that is meant for children ages six years and younger. PERFECT for my bug. You get a wristband and you can ride to your hearts content all the rides for two whole hours!! When you are done, you hand in your wristband and get a drink, popcorn and a balloon. Pretty sweet deal huh?? All for about ten dollars, which is less than an hour worth of tickets would get you at the park. So not only is it fun, it's a deal! SCORE!

I told Kayleigh we were having a special day, just Kayleigh and Mommy. She was very excited and made sure to remind me that Riley was going to watch football with Daddy. She reminded Daddy a lot too...little does she know he was so happy to just sit around and watch football. Anyways, we went for lunch at Chipotle, her favorite restaurant, and then headed to the kiddie park.

We had a lot of laughs that day. That little girl can drive me to the brink of insanity and also bring me to the brink of euphoria. I get those moments where everything is perfect and everyone is happy and we are all learning from one another, things we never knew before. You know, those moments where you aren't just living life but LIVING life. There is a difference. Especially when you are sleep deprived with two children. It's like you are awoken for a split second and see the world in slow motion. You gaze into those little brown eyes and look at that smile and you are reassured that it's all worth it, whatever IT is. I would take those far and few between moments with my family than a constant feeling with an alternate reality without my kids and wonderful husband.

So here is a look back into my day with the bug. I embraced her a lot that day. One day, I know I will have to fight for those hugs or even a glimpse into her eyes where she is really looking at me and not through me. I am sure, when that days comes though, there will be those moments where I get that feeling, that feeling of peace and joy in what my life has turned out to be.

My bug at Chipotle...

She LOVED taking pictures with me...

She kept saying "again!"

Then we did a silly picture...although, this is quite a scary face I am making...

One of the little rides at the kiddie park

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Whose potty training who here...

Give me a second while I take a big swig out of my husbands scotch bottle so that I can educate all of you on what I have learned while potty training.

It's something we all have to go through. You can't get around it. I mean you can but then your kid will totally be that annoying bum on the street yelling at a street light and covered in feces. Honestly, after this week, that doesn't seem like that bad of an alternative.

So Saturday we started potty training. Kayleigh has peed in the potty before but never consistently. Plus, after I had Riley I stayed away from the potty because I knew it was going to be a lot of work. I don't like a lot of work. I always take the easy way out and procrastinate until the last minute. I work well this way. I always have and usually I do a pretty good job when you take into account how much effort I put in. Enter kids into your life and the half assing it has to go. I mean you totally CAN half-ass it, be my guest. I am sure the cast of Jersey shores parents put in a 150%...don't you?

Anyways, so thanks ADD for that little tangent...potty training. We started Saturday morning. She was coached for a whole month in Sunset by all family members so I thought it wouldn't be THAT bad. Saturday morning she peed and pooped through five pairs of underwear and six pull ups. It was worse than having a puppy because APPARENTLY it is frowned upon to put your kid in a cage or make them hang out in the yard until it "clicks." A few CPS visits later, KIDDING. So, out of nowhere, she got it. What made it click? I did the following: praised her, encouraged her, threatened her, punished her, begged her, cried, pleaded, yelled, take your pick on which tactic worked. Something worked though. Maybe she didn't want to see her dear mother carted away in a straight jacket and thought "I'll give her this one, she IS trying hard." I just didn't want her to pee and poop on my carpet. WRONG way of thinking.

So from noon to bedtime on Saturday we had zero accidents and she was just marching off to the potty all by herself and peeing in it. I patted myself on the back and sat down and considered writing a book because I am awesome and potty trained my daughter in one day.

Day 2. Sunday. Really?? You are going to pee and poop all over my new carpet again?? After another nervous breakdown, my husband took over. His method...leave her alone. She knows what shes doing. I'm sorry, she's been pooping and peeing in diapers for 2.5 years, I was unaware that it was us holding her back. Bottom line...he was right and once the pressure or as we call it when we are kids "mom" was off her back she peed and pooped in the potty with minimal accidents.

So several days later we are doing pretty good. However, we did go see the doctor about a rash that Kayleigh has developed. Now, the doctor says that since it doesn't hurt and is not itchy it is a non-contagious viral rash. It is on her face, arms and legs and a little of her back. It looks horrible. It started on her face and looked like really bad acne. Like how I used to break out if I ate too much chocolate. So great...I gave my kid a rash now by feeding her bag upon bag of m&m's every time she went potty. When it spread I naturally assumed her body was expressing the pressure and stress that I had put her through in the past week.

Still want to potty train? I doubt I will ever get rid of this new tick I have developed and my kid is covered in hives. Good times!!! OK, I don't have a tick.

What I did wrong:

1. Focus on going in the potty and don't do what I did and focus on "don't pee or poop on my rug."
2. Pull ups actually worked better for Kayleigh. Once we started using them, which I vowed not to, she was much more recptive towards potty training. She wears pretty much the same pair all day.
3. DO NOT WAIT TO HAVE YOUR BABY to potty train your kid. I love my kids pediatrician but that was the worst advice ever. You are running to the potty at least every fifteen minutes in the beginning. Even after they get it and start going on their own, you have to stay near the bathroom to make sure they don't try to make new artwork, you have to clean out the potty, wash hands, do the potty dance and then hope to God that there are skittles left.
4. Bring your spouse in on this. Guys are more laid back and don't care about the carpet so may have better luck with potty training.
5. Thank you Christine Moore!! Bribery worked. The poop started flowing after she started getting ballerina barbies! Don't least my kid won't be the smelly bum yelling at the lamp post at the corner. That's what we all worry about right?

Until next time...I hope you all enjoyed that. I completely understand if my following goes from eleven to zero.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Riley Niamh: Month 6!!

Six months. The fact that you are almost seven months old is even scarier. You won't be a baby much longer and the fact that you want so much to be like your older sister, I fear you are going to leave your babyhood behind that much faster.

In case I blink and you have grown up already, I just want you to know that you have been a wonderful baby! You love to cuddle and you like to just chit chat to me after a little nursing snack. Lately though, those chit chats are getting shorter and shorter, as are the snacks. You contort yourself off the recliner and onto the floor where you promptly army crawl towards your sister, or a toy that is more than likely a choking hazard.

The second child. So much different than the first time around. You could care less about sophie the giraffe. Naps are a joke and that is alright with me because you are so content with just watching your sister play. You look at her with complete amazement. Unfortunately, the same does not go for your sister. Already, you are a pest to her. You see, Kayleigh likes to organize and I have yet to meet a six month old that is into the whole organization thing and not the "hulk smash" mentality. It's ok though, this is what sisters do and you guys are working through it.

So this is the part where I put up pictures of you in your onesie with those monthly stickers. LUCKILY, my readers will be spared.

I am delighted to introduce you to someone who should have been on this blog before. She has been a huge inspiration and a bit of a mentor in my little photography hobby. She has taken amazing pictures of my children numerous times now. Yep, it's Jackie! I met her through a new moms group and I am so thankful that she is in my life to capture the beauty and innocence of my children.

So if you live in the CLE area and think you need some pics taken of your little one she is the person to go to! She does newborn too and quite well. Check out her website here. Thank you so much Jackie! You have a real talent and I can't wait for you to take more pictures of my kids in the future.

So when she sent me my pictures I was speechless!!! To look at a picture and see the personality of a child is the artwork of a good photographer. My Riles is curious, sweet, smiley, easy going and obsessed with her sister. You see that in the photos. Check it out yourself. I think they are the best I have ever seen. The models are pretty cute too so that may have a little something to do with it  ;)

These are my favorite of Miss Riles from her six month shoot:

Thanks again Jackie! I love every photo you took, they are perfect.

So, Riley, what have you been up to?

- You are crawling. Right now just army crawling but you can cross a room in seconds!
- You have pulled yourself up but I have yet to witness it.
- You are waving!
- You are clapping!
- You are pointing!
- You are really good at eating got that whole fine motor skill thing down.
- You LOVE Mickey Mouse clubhouse and you have taken over any mickey mouse toys of Kayleighs. Clearly, they are now YOUR toys and she could care less so everyone is happy!
- You eat everything now. Baby food and not so baby food. You eat A LOT!
- You aren't sleeping as well as you used to. I am not sure if it is teeth, or the fact that you love your mommy. I am ok with this since I know it will pass and one day I will be waking you to hang out with me.

OK...I couldn't help can are no fun to photograph anymore. You crawl away and you were eating your monthly sticker...hence my brilliant idea of putting it on your back...and getting a picture of you crawling away since that's all you wanted to do anyways.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Meal Planner: 9/10/2012

Since I have kind of gotten back to reality, I guess it is time to start meal planning again. I have one goal for the fall/winter months. Wait, that is a total lie, I have about one million goals but I am currently obsessing over this one particular goal...shiny red ball.

Where was I? Oh right. I want to make one soup a week. Pretty simple task right? It's those simple tasks that usually fall between the cracks for me. Soup is awesome in my house but usually we eat CANNED. Holy crap is that CPS out my window? All because I eat canned soup? People be cray.

Anyways, in an attempt to limit and eventually eliminate canned foods in our house (never going to happen) I plan on making a different soup each week. Kayleigh LOVES soup. How awesome is that? I mean it is a souper (did you like that one?) easy meal and is loaded with veggies. I know, slow your roll crazy people out there. I know it is also loaded with sodium, msg and other fine delicacies but I am TRYING. Give me a break.

So even though I can usually get Progresso soups on sale at Walgreens for like a buck a piece (I probably still will because it is so easy and yummy) I plan on making my own. This weeks selection:


Homestyle Veggie-Beef Soup:

  • 1 pound ground beef (we have started substituting turkey because it is cheaper. We have about five lbs in the freezer so we will be using that instead).
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 6 red potatoes, finely diced
  • 5 carrots, thinly sliced
  • 3 stalks celery, chopped
  • 1 zucchini, chopped
  • 1 lb. baby spinach or kale
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 (15 ounce) can whole kernel corn, drained (You can also use frozen)
  • 2 cups frozen green beans
  • 1 (46 fluid ounce) bottle tomato-vegetable juice cocktail (I try and use the low sodium kind)
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  1. In a large pot over medium heat, cook beef, onion and potatoes, covered, until beef is no longer pink and potatoes are tender, 10 to 15 minutes.
  2. Drain beef mixture and return to pot with vegetables, juice cocktail, water, salt and pepper. Simmer over low heat 30 minutes, until flavors are well blended and soup is hot.  

Garlic Parmesean Chicken and Noodles


Crock Pot Cube Steak and Gravy


EASY Crockpot Chicken and stuffing


Farfalle con Piselli - This is a Teresa Guidice meal. I'm making it for a vegetarian friend who just had a little boy!


EASY Calzone Rolls


Leftover Day

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Embrace the Camera: 9/6/2012

I had the pleasure of embracing the camera with some special little people for about a month here:

Sunset Bay, USA

I mean I am pretty lucky that I get to do THIS all day

Catching some rays. My girls have better tans than their parents.

Doesn't get much better than this...

Oh wait...this is much better. Sleeping babies = happy parents.

I want to eat your face....

What is up with this weird face??

Goof ball to the max!

Love it!
Thank you iphone for making that awesome flip camera thing a ma jiggie thing. I could embrace the camera all day with these two. Their daddy isn't too bad himself. I should get more pics of me and him together....I'll add that to my never ending list.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My favorite crock pot meals are....

Drum roll please....

This little post is for my good friend Molly. Eventhough she told me she doesn't read my blog...I see how it is...anyways..

She recently got a crockpot and I was so excited!! I mean how awesome are crockpots? You can throw in a bunch of crap and you come home hours later and your house smells like a five star restaurant and you have supper ready! It is a very energy efficient way to cook!! So here you go Molls. Try these out for now:

1. Crockpot Italian Chicken - I add some broccoli about an hour before serving.
Crockpot Italian Chicken: 4 Chicken Breasts, 1 Packet Zesty Italian Dressing Seasoning, 1 8 Oz. Cream Cheese (softened), 2 Cans Cream Of Chicken Soup; Cook On Low For 4 Hours. If Sauce Is Too Thick, Add A Little Milk. Serve Over Pasta. Wowzers!
2. Mississippi Roast - I added a bag of carrots to mine, some mushrooms and serve over egg noodles. If you don't like egg noodles just throw in some potatoes. Complete meal and so awesome!
3. Crockpot Buffalo Chicken - Three ingredients: 3 lb. bag of chicken, bottle of Franks wing sauce, packet of hidden valley mix. Cook for 5-7 hours on low and shred chicken. Serve on roll with jalapeno cheese and some blue cheese. Carrots and Celery for dipping!!
4. Crockpot Rotisserie Chicken - This is so CHEAP and EASY!!! Also I make stock with the leftover carcass.
5. Honey Sesame Chicken - Serve over rice!!
6. Easiest Dinner Ever - This is pretty self explanatory. I serve over rice although I hear the mix is really good in tacos.

So there you go Miss Molly. Put that crockpot on low, throw a bunch of crap in and you can fill Ronnies belly with some yummy, easy home cooking!!

You know, if you follow my blog from now on I will post other recipes I enjoy. Just saying ;)