Thursday, September 20, 2012

Embrace the Camera: 9/20/2012 (Date with the bug)

Having one child is easy. They get all your attention, all the time. They don't have to hear you praise another child for a milestone that they surpassed months or even years ago. So I have come to the realization that my oldest and myself need more "mommy and me" time.

Riley is good with mommy and me time. Between nursing and the time we get when Kayleigh is engaged in playing, she gets plenty of mommy and me time. Kayleigh is different. She is still transitioning and starting to have some jealousy streaks with Riley. After all, Riley is now crawling, clapping, pointing, reacting and eating real food. This means that not only do we praise Riley for all of those wonderful firsts, but look...Kayleigh is crawling too! Regression anyone?

So I am a member of the Lakewood Childhood PTA and they have this great outing that I take advantage of every time it pops up on the calendar. They go to this little kiddie park that is meant for children ages six years and younger. PERFECT for my bug. You get a wristband and you can ride to your hearts content all the rides for two whole hours!! When you are done, you hand in your wristband and get a drink, popcorn and a balloon. Pretty sweet deal huh?? All for about ten dollars, which is less than an hour worth of tickets would get you at the park. So not only is it fun, it's a deal! SCORE!

I told Kayleigh we were having a special day, just Kayleigh and Mommy. She was very excited and made sure to remind me that Riley was going to watch football with Daddy. She reminded Daddy a lot too...little does she know he was so happy to just sit around and watch football. Anyways, we went for lunch at Chipotle, her favorite restaurant, and then headed to the kiddie park.

We had a lot of laughs that day. That little girl can drive me to the brink of insanity and also bring me to the brink of euphoria. I get those moments where everything is perfect and everyone is happy and we are all learning from one another, things we never knew before. You know, those moments where you aren't just living life but LIVING life. There is a difference. Especially when you are sleep deprived with two children. It's like you are awoken for a split second and see the world in slow motion. You gaze into those little brown eyes and look at that smile and you are reassured that it's all worth it, whatever IT is. I would take those far and few between moments with my family than a constant feeling with an alternate reality without my kids and wonderful husband.

So here is a look back into my day with the bug. I embraced her a lot that day. One day, I know I will have to fight for those hugs or even a glimpse into her eyes where she is really looking at me and not through me. I am sure, when that days comes though, there will be those moments where I get that feeling, that feeling of peace and joy in what my life has turned out to be.

My bug at Chipotle...

She LOVED taking pictures with me...

She kept saying "again!"

Then we did a silly picture...although, this is quite a scary face I am making...

One of the little rides at the kiddie park

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