- Total weight gain so far is 19 lbs! Despite eating loads of oreos, chocolate, ice cream and cup cakes...I am not in a diabetic coma or about to go on half-ton pregnant mom of one...coming to a reality channel near you.
- I have shortness of breath like you wouldn't believe! It makes people who talk to me on the phone not believe that I am about to go into a diabetic coma or that I am not a half-ton pregnant mom of one...
- I am 100% ready for this little bundle of joy. All her clothes are ready, car seat, bouncer and swing. Everything is clean and waiting for a little baby. Oh wait, except for the diaper bag I have to pack for her. Hint, Hint; Nudge, Nudge.
- I have sciatica...is that how you pronounce or spell it? Apparently I am also extremely lazy since I can just google it but choose not to. Basically I have this sharp pain that shoots down my lower back and into my upper thigh. My doctor assures me it will get worse...thanks doc??
- Sleeping is OK. I just feel like I just can't get enough of it! Like before I was put on thyroid meds. I could sleep for 18 hours and be happy...wake up and want to go back to sleep. Motivation and production around here is at an all time LOW.
- Heartburn - let me just say my child knows what tums are...she calls them "mommys tums!" That's sad.
Other than that I am feeling pretty good. Everyone was right, being prego with a toddler is totally different. You don't have time to rest, nap, eat. I'm pretty pumped though and would do it all over again so I guess that's all that matters.
BTW, how is that little toddler of mine? I feel like the new baby is ALREADY stealing her spotlight. Well, for any of you that know our little princess that is pretty much impossible. I guess I will give you some updates on her.
- She now talks in complete sentences. I actually have conversations with her now which is pretty cool. She can tell me what she ate, did, what hurts etc. The downside of this is that she talks all the time! Her new favorite phrases are "Mommy will do it" "Daddy fix it" "What is it" "I do." Pretty much any command is her new favorite phrase. With vocabulary came bossiness apparently.
- I am at a loss as to what to do with her now a days. She has mastered her alphabet (I wrote a post on that earlier, she was about 18 months), she knows all her numbers and colors and most of her shapes. She can identify every animal out there and what noise they make. I have no idea how she does it I am convinced someone is teaching her in the middle of the night. I know they say babies are like sponges but it is amazing to watch her learn something new everyday! I am very blessed to be able to stay home with her. I have also been scouring the internet for activities to keep that sponge soaking up knowledge!
- She is 100% OBSESSED with Disney princesses. We watch the movies pretty much daily now and she loves taking all her figurines and making them dance in the barn daddy got her for Christmas. She uses it as if it were a stage and all the figurines face eachother and dance...seriously...where does she come up with this stuff?
So I think that is all for now. She amazes us everyday and we are so happy she is part of our lives and can't wait to see what little Riley brings! Kayleigh is absolutely in love with her baby dolls and changes their diapers, feeds them and does everything else a good mommy should so I am hoping this will be an easy transition. Until next time....
LOVE LOVE LOVE ....as always, this post is marvelous, and Kayleigh is such a bright, sweet girl...you are why! She's got a fantastic mama!!