Saturday, January 26, 2013

Nate {Senior Pics}

Let me tell you, when I was approached about doing this young mans senior photos I was a little nervous. I had flash backs of myself as a senior graduating from highschool and I got overwhelmed with insecurity. I guess it just comes with the territory.

Nate is very grown up for his age and was a breeze when it comes to taking photos. I am sure being very photogenic did not hurt him in the least. Also, when he informed me he aspired to be a firefighter/emt/nurse, I felt nothing but pride coming from a family with multiple cousins who also share that same passion for firefighting and other careers that can be all lumped in the same group - "hero."

So here are his senior pictures. I hope you enjoy them! Good luck Nate I am sure you will be great at all you do.


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