Saturday, October 27, 2012

Don't say: "It's OK"

The pastor at the church I attend recently told a story about applesauce being thrown at him in a cafeteria while volunteering during lunch hour. The boy got sent to the principals office and before the apology was made the principal asked my pastor not to simply say "It's OK" after the apology. Instead, say, "Thank you for apologizing, please don't do it again."

From the moment I heard this I knew this could impact my life. Unfortunately, I had no idea I say "It's OK" four million times a day. No wonder I am a push over and get myself into sticky situations. OK, there may be more to that reasoning.

Anyways, I have challenged myself to no longer say "It's OK." Kayleigh is at a stage where she gets consequences and she has been apologizing for everything. It makes me feel like an OCD mom but I know I should embrace it while she is trying. What is the point though if I simply say "It's OK?"

No more!

Looking at that face...I have a tough road ahead of me. I just know instilling good moral values this young will benefit us all later in life. I want her to be respectful but also happy. I feel for youth in today's world who have no sense of compassion, respect, empathy, humility. These are just a few qualities I hope my children have.

So there is my little nugget of sharing today. I hope you can all realize what a great piece of advice this is! How changing one sentence you probably say multiple times a day could improve your sanity with your can hope and dream!

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