Friday, October 19, 2012

Riley: 7 months

Complete mommy fail for month seven my little koala bear. I totally did not get a sticker picture of you the day before you turned eight months. Instead mommy went out drinking with her mommy friends. Priorities.

Anyways. You are sooo NOT a baby anymore. You are so happy to just crawl around the living room eating all the discarded toys your sister doesn't want to play with at that moment. 

  • You can go from your belly to sitting
  • You are pulling yourself up to a standing position
  • You are getting your bottom front teeth - You have one now.
  • You love Mickey
  • You point at everything
  • You play so big
  • You sign but not correctly- You do "so big" for all done but you have more down.
  • YOU got your first tooth!! Nursing should be fun now.
  • You love books. We have another reader on our hands!
  • You are so lovey. I will miss the way you put your head on my shoulder right after you get up from a nap and pat my back. 
  • You give kisses now. LOVE the loviness.

I am so proud of myself for all the babyfood I have made for you. So far: sweet potatoes, pears, butternut squash, acorn squash, zucchini, peas, peaches, mangos.

I have to mix some things with oatmeal or applesauce because sometimes the flavors are overwhelming. Icannot believe you are eating three meals a day now! You usually have greek yogurt in the am, a fruit and veggie combo for lunch, then I usually mix oatmeal with the leftovers for dinner. You also eat anything and everything I have for dinner. You LOVE pasta and feed yourself baked ziti whenever we have it. Your very well coordinated with those little pinchers for such a young lady. You also love chicken, broccoli, rice, potatoes..and pretty much anything else I eat. You are a fantastic eater.

You are still nursing! Yay free milk.

So here are some pics of you from Month 7:

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