Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Kayleigh and her ABC's

So Kayleigh is obsessed with coloring and she is also obsessed with letters and numbers. Right now she can identify all her letters (not consecutively) and about 6 numbers (again not consecutively).

This all happened because of Melissa and Doug blocks. We got them for her last Christmas and they are by far one of her favorite toys. When she turned about a year she would bring us a block and we would ask her what the pictures were. They were pretty easy words for her to say (dog, ball, bird etc). I had no idea that my husband was also going over the letters on the blocks, which is how she learned them. I was doing dishes in the kitchen one day when I would hear him ask "what's this one?" She would reply with the right letter. I was amazed! Needless to say, it was a favorite past time of hers and now shes onto bigger and better things.

So we color a lot and since I am sick and tired of buying coloring book after coloring book I am now going to and printing out letter pages with her favorite characters on them. It definitely kills some time and she gets to color her current favorite thing: letters. So here is a little clip of her reciting some of her letters. I started the video late so she is reciting the letters of her name and starts with "A" instead of "K" because of my great film making skills. Sorry about not being in focus, I will never be a cameraman I suppose. Enjoy the video!

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