Thursday, December 6, 2012

Embrace the Camera: 12/6/2012

I sit here, completely sleep deprived and desperately needing a shower since I was puked on all night long. However, one day I will look back and miss the fact that my children completely depended on me and how I would hold them and suffer just as much as them when they didn't feel well. How every time I would debate going to the hospital. Only because you want them to feel better RIGHT AWAY. 

So instead of embracing a nap, I'll share a picture I took after I cut eleven inches off my head! Cray right?

I hope you all had a wonderful time with family. Sorry I was a stranger, I am back and ready to share more fun times. 

Are you embracing the camera with your little ones? One day THEY will look back and love all these little snippets into your time together. You have no excuse. I know you have an iphone with that little flip feature. Do it.

1 comment:

  1. HUGS! I hope everybody is feeling better. I love your hair! Stopping in from ETC.
